
Hospitals & Labs

PeaceHealth is a health organization with a range of hospitals and labs located across the Pacific Northwest. To centralize the organization, a Shared Services hub was set up, and I joined the team to help with User Experience.


  • Knowledge Intranet

  • Phone App

  • Public Website


  • SharePoint CMS

  • SharePoint Development

  • Web/Responsive Phone App UX


Wireframes & Mockups

In most projects, there was a simple need to design information and carry a particular message that is consistent with others. Hence, the need to develop unique code was unneeded. Wireframes provided ample recommendation,

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A large part of my effort involved the customization and modification using SharePoint’s content management system, which meant most solutions needed to work in SharePoint.

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While SharePoint would control components and page layout, it did leave a lot of control in a workflow, and so a big focus to reduce the pages and clicks necessary for a user to get the desired content.

Patient Experience


Sharepoint Portal


  • Information Design

  • Front-End Design

  • Sharepoint Developmemt


Build a platform for presenting instructional content for hospital and lab caregivers across the network. It would house pre-existing microsites that consisted of over 1,200 different sites. Bring it all together into one website.


Since SharePoint had already been deployed, the solution was clear. Create an intranet knowledge portal inside SharePoint's CMS. I institute all the various types of content that existed and help elect local departmental deputies who would build, manage, and maintain text content. That way, the product was consistent across the institutions without requiring heavy overhead from Shared Services.






  • Information Design

  • High Fidelity Wireframes

  • Image Production


As a part of the communication team at Shared Services, we inherited future maintenance to the public website. The design had already been established, so the responsibility to keep it updated and relevant was a task that fell to my team.

Thankfully, I wasn’t responsible for the on-going day to day content, but rather when there was a need for some user experience TLC, I would step in.

Areas Included: Payment, Donation, and Education.


PeaceHealth MediLocator



Responsive/Web App

  • Information Design

  • Prototypes

  • Wireframes

Etelu’s MediLocator

Etelu, a local app developer, had produced a phone app for the Bellevue hospital. It helped visitors find patients as well as move through the complex structures that comprised the campus. Beyond wayfinding, it provided a few essential services.

It had been a suitable app for a few years, but in time thought leaders at PeaceHealth wanted to add more value. The Shared Services team worked with Etelu on the addition of an assortment of new features.


Finding Common Ground with UX


A Shared Direction

As a part of joining the Shared Services team, we had inherited a challenge to find a way for the various hospitals to find common ground. This was no easy task, with a few bumps along the way. I think what won out, however, was the realization that consistent messaging was easier to maintain.

Once folks learned the design standards, a certain amount of autonomy could return. Despite the local culture dominating each hospital, everyone eventually agreed that a consistent way of communicating was best for all. We could ultimately learn and grow—building on each other's victories.

A Unified Voice

When stakeholders from various locations began to see how a design could add quality without degrading the content, the barriers started to melt, and what had felt insurmountable started to feel eventual. For the company, UX Design began to play a more extensive cultural role. We didn't just update website content. Using research and heuristics, we fostered a common way to share.


Design Team

  • Senior PR Manager

  • Information Architect (Me)

  • Web Design Contractor

Business Team

  • Department SMEs

  • Shared Services SMEs

  • Foundation SMEs