Sharp Laboratories of America

While Sharp, as a TV manufacturer, remained in Japan, its onboard media streamer was developed in the US. It was a great way to learn more about how TV UX can evolve.


  • Knowledge Intranet

  • Phone App

  • Public Website


  • Enterprise Retail Setup

  • Responsive/Web for Phones

  • Responsive/Web for Tablets


Wireframes & Mockups

Creating a design for a product that would ultimately reside inside an on-board computer made wireframes and mockups an important tool to gain consensus.

Artboard Copy 2.png


In a TV type environment, the primary form of movement required a remote without a mouse's control. In some cases, a touch screen prototype was the best way to show progress.

Artboard Copy.png


Before any design can begin, there's a need for a simple way to identify how an app behaved. Particularly when the development scope is discussed, a flow can help.

Media Streamer




  • Information Design

  • Wireframes


Create a web app that works seamlessly with phones and allows employees to enroll their employee benefits for the next year.


Working with the SME and development leads, a set of high-fidelity wireframes informed the specifications. A simple selection tool involving an elaborate radio menu which leveraged for various enrollment benefits. 

Competitive Analysis



User Research


  • Testing

  • Scoring

  • Collecting


To help stakeholders understand how potential competitors perform, a rigorous analysis and scoring was done.

Market Leading features were discerned and described.

VOD Market Research


  • Market Research

  • Digested Recommendations


  • OnBoard Streamers

  • Set-Top Streamers


As a part of learning more about what the current Video on Demand market wants. A careful analysis of consumer available media streaming products was the next step.


User Experience Design for Healthcare


Auditing the Current Streamers

Much of the design work involved working individually with product managers who were part of a larger group. Most of the time a specific product manager was responsible for a specific poduct. However there were larger products that required a broader business vision, and in those cases a range of product managers would participate.

Designing the Best of Class

A great way to reach concensus across a wide range of experts is to simply walk-through a user’s experience. If designed well, there should be little necessary explanation, and stakeholders can provide intial feelings.

Capture the Details

For the most part, I did not engage with external agencies. Namely because the work I did was for product managers on the west coast. Other projects that needed design infolvement would be directed to an agency.


Design Team

  • Senior Developer

  • Information Architect (Me)