Open Enrollment
Health Benefit Open Enrollment
Signup and Registration phone app. A channel for employees that were more phone savvy.
Registration & Signup
SME collaboration

Mockups & Presentations
At the end of a company’s fiscal year, there’s a need for employee benefits to be re-registered for the next year. It tends to be a convoluted and complicated process. A goal made it more difficult for anyone who wanted to scrutinize the nitty-gritty.
The challenge that was laid out for me here was to find a way for users to easily make necessary choices regarding next year’s benefits via a phone.
I started with mortgage applications.
Throughout my career, I’ve worked on several mortgage application vendors from CITADEL, who owned ResMAE, and Charles Schwab, who empowered estate wealth. I had learned a thing or two about how to marry complex choices with simple actions.
Carrying some of the design aspects over, it came down to creating menu choices that could be drilled down while keeping the primary action at the forefront.

Navigation & Wayfinding
Storyboard for the Prototype
Levels of Magnification
The user experience consisted of 3 levels of detail: the first level contained a menu that only needed to handle each option's complexities. The second tier focused on updating family members. The last tier was more informational than any.
As long as the menu could handle the complexity of its choices, then the design was sound. The family editing behavior just followed Google Material's patterns for settings and preferences. The lower pages were forms, so again, we followed Google Material's patterns for form input. On the whole, the product was reasonably straight forward.
What was interesting wasn't the mechanisms for accepting choices, but rather that it was opening the opportunity to complete the yearly benefits tasks from a phone rather than some complicated HR driven portal.
High Fidelity Wireframes
The wireframes, similar to the ones provided below, included states side by side. We wanted to show the detail to prove that the design could handle the complexity of the content. Thankfully the product was relatively simple, so the bulk of the work focused on a few pages with numerous states.

Open Enrollment
A topic that admittedly has not captivated my attention. It was just one of those tasks that had to be done at the end of the year. More times than not, I would have to check with the spouse to verify the choices. Creating an app, therefore, was surprisingly helpful.
I hadn’t realized that many folks had grown to expect a high level of customization in their benefits. In the design of the app, matching that expectation became was more challenging than it looked.
Listening to Subject Matter Experts
One gotcha that appeared toward the end of the design effort revolved around comparing costs, as it relates to past years. A particular use case called for some way to compare the selections by cost across the past years.
A comparison made difficult because many health providers would phase a benefit out rather than revise its price. Thus for a comparison to be useful, the details of each benefit needed to be compared instead.
Thankfully, we had a SME would could help sort it out.
Domain Knowledge
Employee Benefits
Open Enrollment
Corporate Communication
Design Tools