Trüpp HR

Human Resource Services

Providing HR-relatred services to smaller companies who in-turn could remain lean. I participated in a few projects to help bridge services to a phone device.


  • Open Enrollment

  • Benefit cost somparison

  • Employee Portal


  • Mobile First

  • HR Domain


Wireframes & Mockups

Creating high-fidelity wireframes so stakeholders could see the app in detail.

Artboard Copy 2.png


An assortment of prototypes was created for specific use cases so that stakeholders could better understand what was recommended.

Artboard Copy.png


Mostly came in the form of storyboards, showing each screen and arrows that connected them. It was the best way to show a user experience before development began.

Open Enrollment





  • Wireframes

  • SME Research

  • Prototypes


At the end of a company’s fiscal year, there’s a need for employee benefits to be re-registered for the next year. It tends to be a convoluted and complicated process. A goal made it more difficult for anyone who wanted to scrutinize the nitty-gritty.

The challenge that was laid out for me here was to find a way for users to easily make necessary choices regarding next year’s benefits via a phone.


I started with mortgage applications.

Throughout my career, I’ve worked on several mortgage application vendors from CITADEL, who owned ResMAE, and Charles Schwab, who empowered estate wealth. I had learned a thing or two about how to marry complex choices with simple actions.

Carrying some of the design aspects over, it came down to creating menu choices that could be drilled down while keeping the primary action at the forefront.

Benefits Portal



Web/Responsive App


  • Information Design

  • High Fidelity Wireframes

  • Image Production


As the Open Enrollment app continued to percolate with the developers, the need for an Employee portal had floated up. I suspect the expectation was to create a vertical app with much of the same structure, but I went sideways instead.

What I mean is that I didn't follow a vertical structure but a horizontal one. since the Portal was supposed to be a container for multiple services, including Open Enrollment, I wanted to create a platform so that new services could come in and get 'plugged in.'


User Experience Design for Healthcare


Learning from Subject Matter Experts

Much of the design work involved working individually with product managers who were part of a larger group. Most of the time a specific product manager was responsible for a specific poduct. However there were larger products that required a broader business vision, and in those cases a range of product managers would participate.

Modeling after Mortgage Enrollment

A great way to reach concensus across a wide range of experts is to simply walk-through a user’s experience. If designed well, there should be little necessary explanation, and stakeholders can provide intial feelings.

Every Detail

For the most part, I did not engage with external agencies. Namely because the work I did was for product managers on the west coast. Other projects that needed design infolvement would be directed to an agency.


Design Team

  • Chief Technical Officer

  • Designer (Me)

Business Team

  • Company Owner

  • Customer Support SME